Terms and Conditions


By checking this box, I am providing my electronic signature and providing my informed consent stating that I or my representative(s) agree to these Terms & Conditions and fully release and hold harmless Dr. Monikah Ogando, CEO Mastery and any of their representatives from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s). I understand that Women Wealth + Worthiness nor Men Money + Mastery offering is not therapy or healing sessions.

You are asked to show up in right relation and integrity with me as the guide, and that includes honoring our agreements and payment as energy exchange. Prices are in USD. There are no refunds. This is non-transferable. Please make sure that this offering is in alignment at this time. If you decide to stop participating before the journey is completed, you will remain responsible for all of your remaining payments in full and understand no refunds will be issued. Thank you for being in integrity. If payments are rejected, access to this space will be revoked.

Access to this container are for all people ready to be in right relationship with self, each other, and all of Creation.

You agree to follow guidelines and codes of conduct and will not share, circulate or reproduce materials or proprietary information from this program.

You also agree to respect the identities, privacy, and confidentiality of other members and will not share screenshots, recordings or information disclosed in our group spaces with other parties. You also understand that all materials shared are my intellectual property and to attempt to copy, or take as your own is colonial, & out of right relationship. To protect the space and each other, Members who do not uphold these requirements will have their access revoked.

Access will be revoked with NO REFUNDS from this journey and all included materials, audio recordings, and video recordings if you are not in right relationship with me and my work, meaning you attempt to repackage my work as your own, you attempt to mimic and copy to profit from my work for your own gain. I call you to integrity. Thank you for honoring me and my work.

Should you have any questions with respect to any of the foregoing, please contact us at support@monikahogando.com.