Happy Martin Luther King Day – I hope this message finds you well.

A lot of what’s happening in the world may be upsetting for you as a woman of African Descent in the workplace in the United States. Between Taraji P. Henson’s revelations around pay disparity, Dr. Gay’s leaving Harvard University after baseless plagiarism accusations, and the death of despair of Dr. Candia-Bailey at Lincoln University, much in our collective and individual psyches has been triggered and there is much to process.

My friend and colleague, Cornelia Shipley Bearyman and I have been discussing the impact this has been having on our clients. Similar to our reaction to the televised murder of George Floyd, we wanted to take action to support our community. To that end, we are hosting a conversation to support you, provide a safe space to share your feelings about what may be occurring in your workplace, and be witnessed and supported by your peers.

Event Details:

Date: Monday, January 22, 2024

Time: 2:30-4p ET

Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuceCprjorEtDaJW90aiXa4-0nzM-z9mSZ

During this session, we will delve into the impact of mobbing and bullying on women in the workplace and discuss practical ways to counteract these behaviors. Understanding the psychological toll that workplace challenges can take, we believe that prioritizing self-care and cultivating a resilient mindset are essential tools for addressing these issues, building resilience and fostering a positive workplace culture. Our goal is to provide a supportive space for open dialogue and the sharing of experiences, ultimately empowering women to navigate and combat workplace challenges.

Here are some of the things we might explore during our conversation:

  • Support strategies and healthy boundary setting
  • Building and strengthening your resilience
  • Fortifying your identity beyond the work you do
  • Creating true allyship and sponsorship
  • Making meaningful connection routine

Safe and Anonymous Space:

We understand that discussing such sensitive topics can be challenging. To ensure a safe and confidential environment for everyone, you can choose to remain fully anonymous during the session. If you wish, you can delete your profile photo and change your name to Jane Doe (or any similar pseudonym) on Zoom to protect your identity while participating.

Only Cornelia and I will see the participant list.

Please know that you can join up until the time we start by clicking the registration link above. We value your perspective and believe that your presence will contribute significantly to the richness of our discussion.

We look forward to your participation in this important conversation.

Best regards,

Dr. Monikah and Cornelia