Let's work together to build Your perfect business


Sacred CEO Library

Approach business and your personal leadership in a more creative, playful, bespoke way, that feels like you are doing your ‘art’.

Whether you begin by taking your money mindset and sales psychology to the next level, or you want to explore the mystical and shadow sides of your own leadership, the courses in our library is a great way to start.

Let's work together

VIP Intensive

Whether we spend a day together virtually via zoom or in person, the VIP Intensive is a curated experience customized to your needs and goals.

I help leaders get massive results and gain confidence in themselves. Because when you do, clients become walking billboard advertisements for your services. From quantum frequency uplevels using hypnotherapy, EFT and other healing modalities, to strategizing the next quarter, year and beyond, this day is designed to rewire your subconscious frequency AND ensure that you have the best strategy necessary in order to quantum leap and get the massive financial results that you desire in your business.

inside my invite-only mastermind experience...

The Sacred CEO Collective

I teach women leaders and business owners how to create and embody the CEO mindset to take their business to the next level, from the inside out.

This is a year-long experience that includes two live events and is exclusively reserved for big picture thinkers, thought leaders, action takers, and women who are willing to support other women. You can learn more by clicking below. Invitations to this community begin in early Fall for the following year.

bring me in

Training + Facilitation

Are you interested in having Dr. Monikah be a speaker at your event or for your organization?

Dr. Monikah is available for the following opportunities

For bookings and additional rates, please get in touch.


Private 1:1 Coaching

This bespoke executive coaching journey is the difference between getting edged out of the business and life you want and going FOR your growth edge, as the leader who confidently advocates for her growth and makes it happen.

It’s where you’ll receive the 1:1 accountability and coaching support that helps you realign your brain, your decisions, and your actions. To get started, book your FREE consult, where we’ll map out your blueprint to confidence and ensure we’re a slam dunk fit for each other.

my proven system

My system is for you if:

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My system is NOT for you if:

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I went from averaging $30K/year to finally seeing 30K months, thanks to your breakthrough mindset coaching and brilliant business strategies. I'm forever grateful to you for expanding my capacity to believe in myself!"

Brittney LaSha 


© Copyright CEO Mastery, Inc.  All Rights Reserved


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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.


Not sure?

Book your free consultation

Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus nulla vitae elit libero a pharetra augue. Fusce dapibus tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh ut fermentum massa.

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
